Tommy Sheriff Louisa van der Meij
Tommy Sheriff Louisa van der Meij Foto: Louisa van der Meij

Stay Home


By: Tommy Sherif

In the last few weeks, I’ve been isolating myself inside; actually I ain’t afraid about myself, but more an attempt to contain this virus before spreading more in the country. I only go to the supermarket or to the supermarket.
However, I observed one important thing; like always, people are extremely divided, the minority are aware but not paranoid, they know where and how to get the right medical information and having fun. The other two extreme teams are so far from each other, one team are very careless, they are spending this period as a vacation; going to the lake, the beach or having fun in the streets, the strange thing here is: most of them are really angry when you pass next to them! The other team are very paranoid and in panic, you can see them walking their dogs, or in the supermarket. Not only they are in panic but also they have a lot of anger inside of them, probably its anger generated from fear, this anger can be pointed at anyone who is doing something according to them not healthy.

In the process of passing and containing this virus, I’d like to say: Thanks for the wise minority, and for the other two teams “stay home” this is not a vacation and if you are afraid from going out, ask people to buy your stuff, and if you have to go out, through your panic away. Be well everyone.


wielen n 2wheels biedt, net als sommige andere zaken, in deze weken een bijzondere service: privékoopavond.

Eigenaar Stefan Wiegel hierover: “Met name in deze periode van coronavirus is dit een service die goed uitpakt. Hiermee kan de piekdrukte overdag ontlast worden. De ervaring leert dat klanten voor een fiets of scooter ruim de tijd willen nemen voor overleg en informatie. Juist tijdens de privékoopavond kan één op één contact prettig zijn, omdat de focus beter komt te liggen om een keuze in aankoop te maken of advies in te winnen”. Hij vervolgt: “Zeker in deze tijd optimaliseer je daarmee de veiligheid bij één op één contact." Tot slot geeft hij aan dat na aankoop service aan huis geboden kan worden. Telefoon: (071) 5652233
